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Recon1O1 said:
No possibility imo. Gotys are a long way away. The pro xbox sites will be in a Halo frenzy and the PC centric sites who support rpgs like DA:O will go for Starcraft 2 if it makes it out and gets decent reviews. Bioware's latest is a long way from tradtional.

ME2 may take one or two of the big sites but not nearly what UC2 pulled off. GOW 3, FF XII, GT5, Bioshock 2, Reach, Starcraft 2, Zelda and COD Mekong Delta would all have to get pretty poor reviews for a clearcut winner in 2010. In my toootally unbiased opinion too many sites are dominated by a vocal PS3 majority to risk voting for a M$ exclusive. See Mr. Miller's 'Deal with it" article on IGN and reactions for an idea of what they would face!

This is a very good game but at 96 I put it with Bioshock, GTA IV and The Orange Box in my overrated category. Gasp! I certainly won't be playing it half as much as the first one. I'm dreading Insanity with that brutal cover mechanic. Besides, I heard Alan Wake was being
fitted for glasses and his flashlight could control gravity. GOTY guaranteed!

To be honest, I don't recall a single FF game get a GOTY award. And I seriously doubt it's going to sway Western reviewers over Mass Effect 2.

Rockstar: Announce Bully 2 already and make gamers proud!

Kojima: Come out with Project S already!