huaxiong90 said: Well, get to work, then. |
Yes, they need to get to work, but NOT hype their games from the start. Sony should at least shock us gamers like Nintendo did with E3. Take the Golden Sun DS game from the last E3. NO ONE knew about that game at all and did not expect it at E3. Sony, take advice from Nintendo by NOT showing your games ahead of time. This is why the games 'that were supposed to be the epiphany of the PS3' (LittleBigPlanet) were hyped like the second coming of Christ when it was first shown, but when it was released it did not take off like a rocket with sales. So Sony, be secretive on your games and surprise us gamers with what you have But I think the hyping of God of War 3 is going to live up to everyone's expectations. I don't personally like gory games, but when I first saw the first two games on the PS2, I was shocked to see how freaking cool the game was.