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Euphoria14 said:
g-value said:
Euphoria14 said:
g-value said:
Euphoria14 said:
g-value said:
I totally expected this as well

@ Euphoria14

I completely with you. Xenoblade is the future, BELIEVE

I never said anything about Xenoblade.

Plus how could I trust you? You were sceptical of Disgaea 3!!! O_o

I.....I'm sorry:( I didn't know any better :(

Also, Xenoblade is being made by the same people as Xenogears. Their most recent work Soma Bringer (which is a jrpg that was released in 2008 in japan but has yet to be localized) is a game that I've heard nothing but amazing stuff about (from the people who imported it). They are all saying that Soma Bringer is one of the best or the best game on the DS. You should be hyped for it. Now, BELIEVE!!!

I thought they did Sands of Destruction. They also did Soma Bringer?

No, Sands of Destruction was not done by them. They only did Soma Bringer.

I thought so. I must have gotten confused when people here acted like it was since it plays similar in terms of combat, well slightly.

I have Soma Bringer translated but now I don't have my DS Lite. RAAAAARRGGGHHH!!!!


Make me happier now and tell me that Mitsuda did the music for Soma Bringer and is also doing it for Xenoblade.

Mitsuda did compose the music from Soma Bringer, and its fantastic (as expected). Also, the music from the Xenoblade trailer and website sounds very much like Mitsuda. No worries there. Also, where did you get the translated version of Soma Bringer? I want that game SOOOOO BAD.