Honestly looks about right to me from videos and other impressions.
Gameplay is just too slow for the action oriented gamer these days.
I am sure the old RPG fans will like this game though, however the mainstream 'press' will probably bash it for being old school. Personally a game like this doesn't hold a candle next to Demon Soul's but I am a different kind of gamer. If you like the old school RPG then try the game for yourself, don't just listen to some 'professional reviewer' give his biased opinion.
Current Favorites:
Wii - Muramasa, MH3, Metroid Trilogy, RS2, Okami, RE4, COD, Dead Space, Scarface
PC - L4D, TF2, BFBC2, Killing Floor, Aquaria, Warsow, many UDK indie games
Mods - MechWarrior:Living Legends, Star Wars: Galatic Warfare, PVKII, Goldeneye Source, L4D mods
PS3 - Demon Souls, Way of the Samurai 3
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