Went to Future Shop - no WKC, went to EB - no WKC :(
While at EB they said they expected it tomorrow, so I paid for it today then I figured may as well pay for a few other games that I want in the next 2 months. ($435 later)
Oh well, least I am good until the end of March now :)
1)White Knight Chronicles
2)Star Ocean
3)Heavy Rain
4)Final Fantasy XIII
5)Bioshock 2
6)God of War 3
Already got MAG, Mass Effect 2 and Darksiders so far this year as well.
Why are all the Dev's releasing all the good games in the first 3 months? :P
At least GT5 was (rumor?) pushed back
I like this though, my PS3 is finally seeing some love after gathering dust for the first 2 years of owning it
Unicorns ARE real - They are just fat, grey and called Rhinos