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Okay, let's go back to square one then (let's keep this clean):

A politician would tell you that this sort of thing could never be accomplished because the "bad guys" won't cooperate. I would tell you that this sort of thing could never happen because it goes against human nature. It is our very human instinct to form groups and fight. This sort of thing will never truly go away, no matter how advanced we become. Right now, we do not have the resources to sustain a world of 7 billion people. That requires food, water, shelter, materials, energy, etc. There's not enough to go around. There's always going to be countries that have it really good, ones that have it average, and ones that have it bad (with many nations falling in varying degrees in between). Now, you could distribute the wealth and resources more evenly, but you know what that's called and I'm sure you're against it more than anyone. So either there's a collaboration and sharing of resources through government (which is pretty much socialism, and wouldn't work since so many governments are selfish, aggressive, and incompetent), or sharing between citizens. The latter also doesn't work, since most people are simply uncaring and selfish. Again, human nature. One could try their best to change this, but it will never really happen.

I feel like I'm just going around in circles. The type of world you're describing is never possible, at least not with humans.