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Im just curious, whats the estimated budget for this game? Id imagine its pretty high considering they hired that japanese author, MS bribed sakaguchi and nobou to make the game and music, used the unreal engine 3, and are probly going to advertise the hell out of it. Also on 1ups latest podcast they talked about how MS never released a demo to the japanese and they came to the conclusion that they think this game was rushed to meet the holiday demand. Any confirmation on whether or not there was a demo released?

Anyways i expect 80k first week sales
400k lifetime sales.

Worldwide i predict about 850k lifetime sales. Would this game break even, even if it sold that many?


Edit* I also forgot to mention just starting mistwalker in general as to why the budget mey be pretty high. Also mentioned that MS wasnt impressed with BD sales and thats why I think that those 2 games cost alot more than what we think/thought. Plus im sure the blank check that they gave saka. and nobou. has a part in the budget too. I mentioned that above but wasnt very clear about it.