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How about this with all the arguing?

A thread dedicated to "MAG's Score in it's current state?"

Someone who plays the game regularly and who is impartial can adjust scores accordingly.

Socom is a good example of what i mean. I own the game and loved the first ones, but when it first came out i thought it was worth a score of 46. Now with all of the updates etc i think it deserves a solid 7.0 no higher no less.

Mag Right now I think deserves a 8
It's a really fun game, controls and etc i think are fine except the knife seems reallly off. I think it does what promised, but i know there can be improvements and as far as the comment Zipper saying they arn't going to support it there was just a thread a few minutes ago an interview saying they were still making stuff for the game...I can't find it atm though If i do I'll edit it in.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2