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Sounds like Mass Effect 2 on PC has some sort of re-selling prevention thing going on. My brother was looking at buying it for PC, but after trying to run Dragon Age and not being able to he wanted to be sure he could return the game if it didn't work. The guy at the store said that if he bought ME2 there is no way he could return the game because once installed on his PC that game disc could never be used on any other PC.

As far as I'm concerned that sort of control is evil. More evil than piracy IMO. If a game disc can be individualised to a PC, then a DVD or CD can be individualised to a DVD player / CD player. Just because the technology exists to exert that level of control doesn't mean it should be permitted.

There are games I want to buy new because I know I'm going to like them enough to want to support the developer that way. There are toehr games that I would never buy new because they just aren't that good in my opinion, so I can go without unless I find them chaep used, or rent them out. Developers are not losing a sale from me 'cause I was never gonna buy that game new.

I'm not going to buy Uncharted 2 used, because I want to support ND for making such a great game, so I'm going to buy it new. Same with Ratchet and Clank. But Resistance I bought used because I saw it for cheap and thought, "for that price it's worth giving it a go". It's only sort of worth the price I paid, for me.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix