jarrod on 01 February 2010
My favorite genre (Japanese action RPG/adventure) has been on life support for 3 gens running... looking back at the long running series (32bit and older) in the genre...
- Alundra (SCE/Matrix)
- Creation Trilogy (Square Enix/Quintet)
- Crystalis (SNK Playmore)
- Exile (Sunsoft/Telenet)
- Golvellius (D4/Compile)
- Hydelide (T&E)
- King's Field (From)
- Mana (Square Enix)
- Monster World (Sega/WestOne)
- Neutopia (Hudson)
- Oasis (Sega/Ancient)
- Popful Mail (Falcom)
- Stalker (Climax)
- Xak (Microcabin)
Still kicking!
- Legend of Zelda (Nintendo)
- Xanadu (Falcom)
- Ys (Falcom)