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Sorry, second hand markets are just fine. When a game is sold used it is because the original owner is no longer happy with the game (for whatever reason-- it was a bad game, they no longer have any interest in it, etc.).

If you are saying that developers should get some money from used game sales, you are basically saying developers should get rewarded for failing. If I was a developer and I got sales from used games I would purposely make a bad (or mediocre) game and hype the hell out of it. Get tons of sales initially from new copies, and then get tons more as all the games are sold used. Then get even more when the second owners sell it. Then even more when the third owners sell that game (and so on).

Sorry, but used game sales does not equal a lost sale for a new game. Developers need to realize that spending ridiculous amounts of money to develop a game that does not sell is their own fault. Create a game people want and you won't have to worry about used sales. (ie, see Nintendo and NSMBWii, Mario Kart, Wii Fit, ect.-- while you can find these games used, you also see these games in the top ten years after they are released).