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Thanks IOI things were getting a little out of hand there. Thanks Foamer for giving some kind of reference point but obviously any figure that includes a premise where we multiply a known figure by even 9 is subject to huge inaccuracies.

The articles you quote are produced by bloggers whose reason for writing is to 'prove' the relevance of PC gaming at a time when the opposite camp quotes provable retail sales figures approaching 10 to 1 in favor of consoles. I view these figures with the same scepticism as the 40:1 piracy ratio quoted I believe by NPDs Anita Frazier. Crytec CE Cevat Yerle says it"s half that. I'll call it 30.

PC gaming may be the foundation the industry was built on, or the 'root of all evil' to some (Fox News) but Dragon Age is a throwback these days. DA:O PC sales rival 360 because of the toolset and mod community but combined life-time sales on PS3 and 360 could double legit. PC buyers and ensure DA:2. Despite numerous bashings it is a good game on the box and much preferable to not playing it at all.

ME2 on the other hand will show more usual ratios of 4 or 5 to one in retail copies with the digital DL system being anyone's guess. IMHO a ballpark would be 3.8 million LT on 360 and a total on PC of around 2.5?. Either way we'll be seeing a sequel. Now if you'll excuse me it's time for some Kommander Kickass.