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NJ5 said:
jammy2211 said:

The big retailers, Gamestop, GAME, Best Buy etc buy games at ~ $45 per copy for a $60 game. They simply couldn't afford to pay that, or order as many copies of games as they do currently, if there wasn't a used game market to bring them the money.

^ Ummm no that part's not true. There are plenty of retailers which don't sell used stuff and are perfectly able to order as many games as they need.


 Not in the UK - and are those retailers video game only or do they sell a variety of media as well as video games? Cause if they've got other sources of revenue then er... that kind of proves my point.

 As far as I'm aware these stores pretty much lose money selling first hand software - once you include the costs of running the store, paying staff, taxes etc.