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numonex said:

EB Games/Game Stop and many other game stores make most of their profits from their shonky second hand trades.

Game developers and publishers receive no money from the second hand game trade.

Second hand game trades hurts developers as much as software piracy. In both cases developers and publishers receive no money from the second hand games sale or downloaded game.

Game stores not only rip off consumers with terrible pricing in their favour, they rip the game industry off as a whole. Renting and lending games to a smaller extent hurt the game developers and publishers. Fewer customers purchase the games by second hand purchase, pirate game, rental or borrowing a game from a friend.

Bear in mind the cost of developing video games these days is sky rocketing, costing as much as $100 million for some game developments.

End of rant/

1. They have to profit on something when their margins on consoles are so small and if it's legal by law and they pay taxes from it what's the problem ?

2. They already received it from first sale.

3. Ability to resell used game is only thing saving makers of average games from bancrupcy (how many people would buy crap games for full price if they couldn't resell them later ? )

4. If consumer agree to be ripped off with terrible price it's their fault. Last time i checked ebay is still working.

5. I can borrow a book from a friend why shouldn't I be able to borrow game from him ?

6. And yet some of the best games made those day have much smaller not overblown budgets - Uncharted 1&2, Mass Effect 2, Demon's Souls, Valkyria Chronicles, Heavy Rain, Wipeout HD, Street Fighter 4 and the list goes on.