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I do not have problems with this game frame rate or looks at all. All my problems are with its gameplay, it is so dull. Take any Zelda game and remove all weapons and replace it with bow and sword. Is that enough? No? Now remove all the enemies in the game. Satisfied? Now eliminate every power up until all that remains are some lame berries and lizard tails. Replace all dungeons and puzzles with a big world map where simple things like going from point A to B take 20 minutes. Last remove all dialogue and characters. Add some stupid intro with voice acting (even though the voice actors are just mumbling) and that is all the plot you will ever get.

Well, and what about the Colossi battle that is like 95% of the game right? Yes and they are as uninspiring as the rest of the game. Most of the Colossus just walk in circles attacking rarely and when they do it is easy to avoid. Another issue that bothers me is the boss design. It is like they want to be killed or the developers think I am retarded. Why the first boss have fur only in the areas that make good spots for me to climb and attack? Why he carries a wooden crate that helps me when he shake me off and I fall? These kind of things makes the game feel even more linear.

For me this game is like looking at a Van Gogh painting. Is it intense? Yes. Is it art? Yes.
Is it beautiful, inspiring and worthy of your time? No.

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."