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I never tried Ico, but I've heard a couple of times that I should. I'm seeing about what I can do to find it, as I'm not sure I really want to buy it.

As for bbsin, I've never played Mass Effect. I also wasn't aware that my opinion was one of IGN's top 100 opinions of all time. That said, if Mass Effect has horrendous framerate issues like this, then it is vastly overrated as well. I'm not comparing this game to current generation games, I'm comparing it to the other PS2, GameCube, and Xbox titles I own, and not one of them has a frame rate this erratic. I have yet to be at a single point where the framerate has been constant, even when I'm out on my horse or just using the right analog stick to pan with the camera.

Also, my complaint with the controls is that they're sluggish, not that I can't use them. It just feels wrong to press triangle and then jump a quarter second later. Or press square and swing the sword a quarter second later. I'm pretty sure that if I "just sucked" I wouldn't be able to keep killing the colossi... Especially not with these controls.

My opinion on this game is that it was a good idea, very poorly executed. Before you call my opinion "overrated," you might want to look up what the word means.