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binary solo said:

Interesting fine details I notice from the adjustments in the last 24 yrs (for PS3 because I don't really remember 360, Wii, DS or PSP numbers for more than about 2 hours). While LTD PS3 numbers have been adjusted down, the most recent PS3 numbers (other than the very latest) have been adjusted up in the last 24 hrs:

- For WE 3 Jan 2010 the PS3 sales were 505K when I looked previously (a couple of days ago after the first major adjusments), now its 510K.

-  for WE 10 Jan I'm sure the first adjustment had it at about 280ish K, now it's 291K

- for WE 17 Jan I recall 210K, now it's 212K

The ORIGINALLY reported numbers for those weeks were:

3 jan   = 514 800
10 jan = 301 755
17 jan = 223 895

Perhaps when you looked they had been adjusted down, and are now adjusted up again. Not sure. But I do keep a record of all the original numbers. Just for reference.

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