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Interesting fine details I notice from the adjustments in the last 24 yrs (for PS3 because I don't really remember 360, Wii, DS or PSP numbers for more than about 2 hours). While LTD PS3 numbers have been adjusted down, the most recent PS3 numbers (other than the very latest) have been adjusted up in the last 24 hrs:

- For WE 3 Jan 2010 the PS3 sales were 505K when I looked previously (a couple of days ago after the first major adjusments), now its 510K.

-  for WE 10 Jan I'm sure the first adjustment had it at about 280ish K, now it's 291K

- for WE 17 Jan I recall 210K, now it's 212K

By contrast the 2 biggest weeks of 2009 for PS3 have dropped further still, pretty much wiping out the above very small upward movements.

I thought it was interesting to see adjustments are more subtle than simply an across the board bumping up or down of numbers.

If I'm not mistaken it seems PS3 adjustments post-slim have still only seen a drop of around 200K or less. And the pre-slim 360-PS3 gap has increased further from 8.25 million prior to adjustments to 8.44 million as of yesterday to 8.55 million today. Today's PS3-360 gap stands at 5.93 million, up from, what, 5.5 million as of a week ago? Most of that change is due to a change in "starting" conditions at the time of slim launch. If my memory isn't totally off the relative difference in PS3 sales vs 360 sales since september has only changed by about 180K. Over both consoles, sales for the post slim period is about 15 million. Adjusting relative sales by 180K during this period is almost inconsequential.

That people have been so trembly lipped (or full of gloating) over a 180K change in position between PS3 and 360 in the last 4 months is laughable. That people should be upset or defensive (or exuberant) about phat sales being bumped down seems to be equally inexplicable. People became animated by what seemed to be maor alterations, but looking at the finer detail  of the adjustments the changes are within reasonable tolerances. VGC was and still is in the right ballpark with its figures. The ballpark accuracy is what's truly important for VGC credibility. The sales precision forum discussions get down to can never be the standard by which VGC shold be judged because people start making big deals over relatively small ESTIMATED sales differences.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix