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ClaudeLv250 said:
huaxiong90 said:
Khuutra said:
Smeags said:
I'm feeling the love in this thread, and it's a beautiful thing.

Anywho, hardware adjustments shmardware adjustments. Where's Others software sales for this past week?

We've had like half a dozen permabans - or more. It never occurred to me - and I mean this - that the topic might turn out this way.

Let's see: BigBoobieHead, fxa5209, Bullza, Choppedliver, scabab, ultraslick. Yep, half a dozen indeed.


They brought it on theirselves, though.



Ultraslick got perma'd? Man, this thread is a graveyard. Meltdowns indeed.

Can't say they didn't have it coming, though.

I think we need threads like this on a regular basis. If it's a way to get d1ckheads permabanned so the saite gets rid of some of the chaff then this is a good thing. This sort of thing raises the average IQ among site members I think.

On another note: Do I see that there have been some further adjustments? Yesterday Wii was at 49.4% market share now it's at 49.2%. Thats a 270K-ish change overnight. And I'm pretty sure the PS3-360 gap was 5.8 million yesterday and it's grown to >5.9 million. Wii market share goes down, PS3-360 gap goes up (though Wii market share goes up overall from these adjustments), seems 360 has improved it's market share position a tad in the last 24 hrs.

Mostly what we generally thought we knew last week is still what we know this week, EXCEPT that PS3 hasn't actually overtaken 360 LTD in Others as of yet; that's possibly a 500K shift in relative position there? That seems like a seismic adjustment, but in reality it's not much in the grand scheme of things, it just so happens that because PS3 and 360 are so close in Others the adjustment caused a reversal in current market position. The same adjustment in a year's time probably won't cause a change in relative market position.

Is 2-3 million units on shop shelves / in the distribution pipeline really that much globally? Averaged over all the countries where PS3 is sold it's probably only a few 10's of thousands per country. Doesn't seem too far fetched.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix