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MontanaHatchet said:
fkusumot said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Sqrl said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Sqrl said:
MontanaHatchet said:
My strategy for arguing is put up a very poor argument and then see how long it is til' said arguer starts insulting me in which case I just laugh at them.

It has a 50% success rate so far.

^^ Definition of trolling


You are attempting to incite arguments and specifically insults and you don't see how that is trolling?

I don't know that it could be any more clear.


Said strategy requires being in an inebriated state. Which, unlucky for me, tends to be more often than it should .

Of course I see how it's trolling.


What's the inebriated meter at now?


Weren't we talking about Super Mario Galaxy?


Wow, what's the argument now, that computers should have breathalyzers hooked up to them?