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Twistedpixel said:
Bastables said:
Twistedpixel said:

Huh? You haven't refuted anything, your ass. I said don't die as much. Look at the number of I.P Sony controls vs the number which are currently being used.

Don't die as much? dead IP's are dead IP's. Microsoft has actully closed down studios. Sony mearly has their studios make new franchises with each generation for instance the progeression from Crash/PS1, Jak's PS2 and now unchartedPS3.

Zipper Socom then MAG. Microsoft mearly killed a number of their internal studios as opposed to funding them and having them work on new games. 

I don't care that they have closed down studios, laid off people or masturbated secretly in your closet onto your stuffed teddy. I wasn't talking about 1st party studios, I was talking about 2nd/3rd party I.P which Sony owns and has no intention of using which was made by 2nd/3rd party developers. It was to contrast the difference between free I.P. controlled by the maker and I.P. which goes to die as soon as Sony loses interest.

No of course you were not talking about it, as that bit of history puts holes into your construction of microsoft as a more benvolent publisher/games company that looks after it's ips through to the end of time, you know like all those dead ages games, the mech warrior games, rise games, close combat, myth marathon ect ect. Plus there is the more shortsighted actions as killing there sucessful first party studios that they brought then axed.


But hey instead change the boundries of your argument and bring up your facination or distraction with plushophilia, that's always pertinant in your dealing with the world I'm sure.