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Rath said:
HappySqurriel said:
Rath said:

@Happy. Or perhaps he is one of those rare politicians who follows the idea of what he believes is best for the people rather than what the people want.

If the publics opinion turns against climate change it doesn't make it any less real, to be honest the publics opinion is pretty well worthless in science as they just believe whoever has the best propaganda machine going rather than actually looking at the basis of the science.


Edit: I think its sad to lose such scientific opportunities as this but I believe other nations will reach the moon soon anyway.

George W. Bush made a very similar decision to continue believing the manipulative and fraudulent intelligence supporting the war in Iraq and we saw how well that worked out ...

Leaders who make a decision against public opinion in the presence of questionable information are seen as being visionaries when correct, and corrupt morons when they get it wrong. An intelligent leader will go out of their way to ensure that the manipulated information they have is still valid, and is not fraudulent, before they make their decisions; and will not blindly make decisions based on faith that he is correct.

... really?

You truly think those are comparable situations in the slightest?

How many trillions of dollars will Cap & Trade cost the economy, and how many millions of lives will it ruin?