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Hello everyone, im new here,  just thought i should introduce myself. ive been browsing for awhile and I came across a thread talking about PS3 hit 6 million. And some user posted a link and I clicked on it and came to this site observing. I'm from

Cool site, I love sales, generally understanding all markets.

I currently own a Xbox 360 only at the time, but next Sunday I might be getting a Wii from my Best Buy. I generally like all consoles, but I generally like the Xbox 360.

I have owned:

NES, SNES, GameBoyColor, Sega Genesis, Sega Saturn, PS1, Sega Dreamcast, N64, GBA, PS2, Xbox, Gamecube, Xbox, PSP (sold it to a friend), DS (gave to one of my siblings), and now a Xbox 360 Elite including Forza Motorsport/Marvel Ulitmate Alliance. I have encountered 2 RRoD Xbox 360, but this 360 Elite seems to be doing fine.

I hope to be posting alot more in the near future, like how I do over at