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jarrod said:
txrattlesnake said:
jarrod said:
txrattlesnake said:
Demotruk said:
txrattlesnake said:

Well, what I heard from Wii fans in the early days was that Nintendo would take these expanded market gamers and make them interested in the core games.  NMH2 received good reviews from several sites, so if it's not selling it has more to with the failure to convert expanded market types into core gamers than either the quality of the game or its being a niche game imho.

It's possible you misunderstood what was said. The expanded audience will move upstream and play/buy games that are more 'sophisticated' than Wii Sports; Mario Kart Wii and NSMB are examples of this. They're not going to suddenly start playing the same games that would have been made for the GC unless those games adopt the expanded audience's values.

     The expanded audience is supposed to adopt core gamer values.

No, they have their own set of values.  They adopt core gamer behaviors.

     But without them buying core games on Wii leading to them possibly not being made as much in the future  and most of the best core games being made by third parties, and Nintendo showing that they favor the expanded audience over the core (okay, they did more for core gamers at E3 2009, still there big releases for '09 were 2 expanded audience games and 1 core game -- can they have an even split of core and expanded audience at E3 2010?), then why should core gamers be more interested in what's on Wii than 360 and PS3?  How does Nintendo get the Wii up to PS2 type marketshare by the end of the gen?

They are buying core games on Wii.  They're just mainly buying them from Nintendo, and that's because Nintendo promotes to them and Nintendo's built up a positive brand with them by actually delivering consistently quality content.  The best selling "core" console game this generation is a Wii game and will stay a Wii game (or a another Wii game actually).

And I'm not sure what this "2 expanded, 1 core" is coming from? Nintendo's lineup for 2009 included Punch Out, Metoid Prime Trilogy, Excitebots and the NPC line.  

If they don't bring the loud "hardcore" minority back, what do they care really?  That audience is making itself more irrelevant by the day.  Even still, their next year lineup (Galaxy 2, Other M, Zelda, MH3) still seems aimed right at them, so I don't get the complaints?  Wii's never going to get PS2 style marketshare due to the secondary consoles outperforming last gen, but it's going to a larger audience than PS2 ever did anyway.


I have to go and give this post props as it's spot on in pretty much everything.