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binary solo said:
Isn't this basic marketing? Know your market and give them what they want. For the purposes of this discussion I'm assuming hardcore means a combination of M rated (and some T rated) games, and any game that requires a decent amount of controller co-ordintation.

The question for the GAFfers is: would they (who don't have a Wii) buy a Wii if it had more "hardcore" games on it? Answer is probably that they get enough hardcore content from their PS3/360/PC so probably wouldn't buy a Wii to play the hardcore games that are only available on Wii.

Seems to me the market isn't big enough for 4 consoles to play in the hardcore gaming market.

Nintendo aren't massively competing for the attention of the hardcore gamer demographic. Seems they recognised right from the beginning that they would not outgun PS360 in that arena. Why 3rd parties are not learning from Nintendo's software strategy is the only real head scratcher in this.

Having said that there is a hardcore niche dedicated to the Wii, and those folks deserve to continue to receive a steady flow (albeit probably not a flood) of hardcore content. But the gold on the Wii is in the casual demographic.

what i don't understnad is this definition of hardcore gaming?  they will basically say a true gamer that will play all the great games and a long time.


but how can you play all the great games if you don't own all the systems?  shouldn't a requirement be for a hardcore game to own all 3 systems.  Or at least the true hardcore gamer.  i mean when you look at a hardcore sports fan they watch a bunch of sports and collect a ton of merchandise, go to a bucnh of games ect.  If this person only watched say The Green Bay Packers and that's it, no matter how hardcore he is about green bay, that doesn't make him a hardcore sports fan.  He is just a hardcore packer fan. 


and in the same sense all these people who only own one system and seen as fanboys are just hardcore sony fans, or hardcore microsft fans, or nintendo.  they are hardcore GAMERS.  if they were they would have all the systems so that they can play any game that they want.  And don't give me shit about no game on a system that you like.  THere is not one single cosole ever that doesn't ahve a game that you wouldn't like on it.