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Well most americans sit by and let it happen because they do not know about it. And most who do know about it feel there is nothing they can do and are not in a position of power. I would surmise that the people who are in positions of power likely are the shareholders in said private bank. (Seriously, look at how many politicians earn 7 figures, its kinda scary.)

Second, how does america get out of it without tarnishing its trust in paying back money owed? I mean if america jips its primary lender what would other countries think? Would they still allow trade deficeits knowing we might not pay it back?

About the Real ID... well my only real beef about it is that it will cost americans money that could be better spent elsewhere. Because there is really no point in having a national id system if we aren't full protecting the boarders and prosecuting illegal residents.

As far as the constitution being null and void now... well that really does show how little you know about the usa (don't take it personal as most people in america think so too). Anyone who knows about history will tell you that the stuff made legal though previously illegal was all going on before and absolutly jack was done about it.