Will the game have pre-programed events and gameplay triggers?
Will the game have pre-programed movements and character animations?
Will the game have pre-programed dialogue and reactions to events?
....if so, I really don't see how it'll be any different from any of the games we have today or have had in the past. From Resident Evil 4 to Uncharted 2. But as for being like TV, scripted and always doing the same things, then sure.
I really think gaming should try to stop pushing the 'realism' barrier until they can. Sure, we can produce amazing graphics, but we still can't break any other threshold. Characters will still repeat animations, still just use voice actors to repeat lines of dialogue and still just mimic movies to 'appear' like they're real. In many ways, games still have a long ways to go just to reach the freedom of interaction two characters on a movie screen can have.