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Euphoria14 said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Euphoria14 said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Euphoria14 said:
They say the game's battle system is FFXII with combos.

Oh well.

Wth...? where did this come from all of a sudden?

does this mean you dont wanna be on the list?

Honestly bro I am on and off with each passing day. One day I think about how I will have fun with the online portion even with a FFXII battle system. It is just in single player I might not feel the same way, especially since battles are said to be slow.

I'm taking it day by day. Tomorrow I might be singing a different tune.


No treachery here, just being careful with what I buy from now on since my gaming funds have taken a hit now tha I have a kid. I need to read all reviews and then come to a decision.

Right now I am currently leaning towards MAG. I could end up going with WKC or I could hold off, finish Mass Effect, maybe enjoy the hell out of it and grab ME2.

I am not 100% sure yet. Then there is the issue with me wanting to get ModNation Racers.


Such a tough situation I'm in.

Ah i understand, thats the honorable thing to do as a farther, i respect that...putting your child before you. good one on ya' dude.

Alright like you said you'll be able to play it in anycase, own it or not. gamefly ftw!

And hang in there, hey atleast you helped reinforce my "Never, ever have kids" vow i took.