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zarx said:
the real kicker is that as Natal stands now more complex the game the more lag there will be, so most of the games are going to be simple mini-games like the ones everyone hates on the Wii. the time that it takes to process the image data and then convert the results into onscreen actions for a game is always going to be slower than button 1 pressed so execute action, no matter how good the software is. not to mention the perceived lag generated by the difference in time it takes to perform a physical action with your body like punching vs pressing a button.

But in saying that Natal does have a lot of potential to bring a lot of new ideas into gaming, but since the eyetoy/PlayStation eye the Wii and all the other motion controllers over the years haven't really changed much I doubt we will see much more for Natal no matter how much more advanced it is.

Underlined is just plain wrong.  They already said no matter what the game, it will use ~10-15% of the resources.  The software and data used from Natal will always use about that amount.  It doesn't matter if you are overlaying the skeleton with say a Gears of War character or if it is just an Avatar, the "lag" will be the same as all the processing related to Natal and it's data will always have that amount of dedicated resources to use.

Also, if it really is faster than pressing a button, then why does it have less input lag than many games using controllers?  Killzone 2 and Halo 3  both have worse input lag than Natal at this point.