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I see a lot of people trying to argue points they know little about.

First off Sand box games are not niche titles. 4 play zombie killing FPS are not niche titles. A guy who buys a lightsaber online and goes around cutting people in half and screaming "Strawberry on the shortcake" to 80's arcade sounds is Niche.

However that niche failure NMH sold 470k. Dragon age Origins, Bioshock, Borderlands all sold around the same on Ps3. Those were mainstream titles.

Also the original poster seems to confuse mainstream games like COD with multi million dollar budgets as some how "hardcore" They are not. He cannot show any Rail shooter or other niche title that is failing that got the same type of marketing budget as MW. Now if all Hardcore gamers just happen to know COD existed there would be no need for those huge ad campaigns. They are there though so that clearly proves him wrong about all gamers know what the good games are.

He seems to want to act like 2 year old ports and rail shooters should be selling billions on Wii. Where is the proof of this though? Just because its hardcore doesnt make it good. I didnt like Madworld and got bored before I ever beat it. I feel bad for having supported it at all.

If we took the games on PS3 that failed to sale a million what excuses would you offer? You don't think there is a valid reason for a 4 hour black and white button smasher with no replay value to fail so how do you feel about Borderlands, Have, Lair, Dragon Age, Bioshock, and so many other good games bombing on PS3?

It's funny though to see people pulling up Madworld. Like that is all they really have. I remember Overkill being called a bomb but nobody brings it up after Sega said it was a success. De Blob was a huge failure til the developer said it was almost at a million. Trolls and fanboys will being up every single Wii game and call it a failure. Most of them are not.

With 140million consoles God of War 2 only sold 2 million. Okami didnt even hit 500k,Nobody bought God hand either or Killer 7. Suda had to move to the Wii to get his first successful game and the only one so far to get a sequel. Silent Hill for Wii had a bigger opening than Silent Hill PS3. I brought up the 140 million PS2 so nobody could try to argue install base. To me thats just an argument for people who know little to nothing about gaming.
If you want to know what sales on Wii, it's quality. Just look at the metacritic for NSMBWii VS sales and do the same for those games you want to pretend are AAA must own.