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Boneitis said:
jarrod said:
Boneitis said:
jarrod said:
Boneitis said:
jarrod said:
Boneitis said:

@ jarrod
Releasing MW on the Wii now was probably a lot cheaper than releasing it at the time of the original launch. And its still getting pretty strong sales without wasting money on advertising.

So was money left on the table? Maybe not. Will people buy MW2 on the Wii even if its a couple years late? Definitely.

It's damaged the brand potential on Wii, and assuredly sold less thanks to how it's been handled (zero promotion, 2 years late).  Hell, Activision didn't even have official media before the game actually released, press had to rely on devteam/tester leaks.

Had they released MWR "on time", it wouldn't have needed extra advertising (it'd have shared the same massive promotional push the HD versions enjoyed), and it probably would've sold 3+ times as much.  And we'd probably have (in turn) seen WOW triple it's sales, and MW2 on Wii this year bringing in extra millions as well.  Money left on the table, missed opportunity, whatever you want to call it....

I don't think there's much of an audience for CoD on the Wii. Atleast compared to HD consoles.

Eitherway, they must be making plenty given how little they put into it.

Well, now there isn't, no.  That's sort of the point, Activision didn't cultivate that audience like they did with GH.

Well I'm saying sales wouldn't be much different even if it was launched with HD consoles. You disagree, I guess we can end on that.

Sales wouldn't be better if MWR released 2 years ago with actual advertising?  Seriously?!  Are you high?

Oddly enough, I think sales would have been about the same.

And don't you think the hype of MW2 is helping the sales of MWR? It may not be the same game, but its the closest thing Wii owners have and they're buying it.

No, I don't think it's helping it, if anything it reinforces the superiority in the HD model for established COD fans (why buy that 2 year old game, get the new sequel instead!).  And I think a potential MW2R would be doing dramatically better in it's place had Activision handled the IP properly.