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In my view it's just no third party dares risk big bucks on a Wii project, to try and emulate the Mario Kart come NSMBWii 'bridge' appeal that Nintendo pull off so well. The finances are hard to justify - Wii games generate them ~$10 less then a HD game per sale, which after you count in costs reduces the profit per copy by 33% compared to a HD game. Throw in the Wii markets tendancy to buy games at reduced prices, and it doesn't look so rosy.

Nintendo throw a ****ton of money at the advertising budget, and it results a ton of sales. No third party has really dared try this approach outside of a Wii Fit / Wii Sports rip offs, because the figures don't add up, and they can invest just as much money in a HD project where they know the market will snap up a game with guns, warfare, blood etc.

Third parties have typically always invested the money after they know the potential for success is there. Until then they'll just keep making Wii game after Wii game, hoping one will randomly be a break through success, similiar to Just Dance.