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The problem with this is the idea that the demographic and gaming market on the wii is completely known and understood.

We know that there is casual friendly gaming group on the wii.
However we do not know if there is a hardcore, although indications are that there is.

And you cannot say anything without evidence and so here we go:

In almost every case a niche M game has been released it has outsold previous incarnations by the developer or games in similiar genre.
Example: Madworld, NMH

In the very limited case where a new IP was released on a similiar time frame with a smaller (but not too much) focus it sold compareably to the PS3.
Example: COD3, Force Unleashed

There have been no Established Franchise, Established genre games released on the wii from third parties. Nintendos games have been selling very well in their established franchises.

None of this proves a more classic gaming market on the wii, but does have indications that such a market can exist if it is nurtured.