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The problem with Wii hardcore games is perhaps indeed that it targets HD hard core fans....
I mean what hard core titles do we have? Madworld, HotDO, NMH, DSextraction... what do they all have in common? Blood and teenage male humor/gory/horror.

If the wii's install base is really 50 female , then do a hardcore game that can appeal to them too. Not all girl gamers are casual, but i'm pretty sure most will look at these 4 games and just say "yuck that's disgusting!!"
I'm not a developper, so I don't have ideas on what would interest the hardcore female players... but my guess is something that is more in the mario to metroid graphical range, not HD bloodbath type of games.

What is the current hardcore game definition? FPS, beat them up, shooters.... almost all of these have violence in common...that is not the only way to make a fun game.
Yet the new hard core games comming out are NMH2, REDC, RS2, TVC... yeah.... all in violence.
Now games that contradict are the likes of LKS, but that is a niche game even for hardcore gamers.

more on the op's topic, I wouldn't say it's as much advertising that is important as it is exposure. Some games are just not exposed enough, they need to make the press being interested, sure, but they need to provide more videos, more frequent news on the devellopment. Basically they need to be a lot more visible to the general gaming community than they currently are.
Heck come post your exclusive screens on a small site and he'll make a whole deal about it with a big article. Why would you give the exclusives to IGN or other big sites so that the news is lost behind the latest MW2 and Halo3 kills of the week videos or other special coverage of big name games??