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While I really really enjoyed the feel and excitement the sigle player story had..and the very cool spec ops......the multi-player is pure FAIL.

It's too glitchy...the matchmaking is too buggy*I should never have to time out for a lobby**and if you think it's my net etc your dead wrong...simple google on the matter shows forums ate up with the same issues*...maps are way to campable......respawns make no sense.*why should the game spawn me in combat or even behind a enimie?* Toss in the sheer amount of glitches*yes..theres waay to much* and the overpowerdness of the kit set ups*honestly...infi-noob tubes????*and hacks*by bot--and the xp hack that really is spreading* and how IW was with

Shame I guess I will just piss away my rank...I am done with it.