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Euphoria14 said:
Xxain said:
Euphoria14 said:
Why were you guys talking about level caps? Does this game have one?

theres a LF cap of 50 but your free De-LV to 35 to master more skill trees

So in the main game you are capped at 50 and can de-level if you wish to 35?

Not bad, but I still like going to 99+.


Not a gamer breaker for me though.

One thing ppl have to keep in mind is because its 50 Cap DOESNT mean easier to get there.. because there half the normal amount of achievable LVS its gonna take twice as long to LV up.. Think Legend of Dragoon without bosses it takes 4ever to LV up. WKC is planed as a triology which assure plays a roll in LV cap( it might carry over or portion of it will to WKC2).