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@Fab_GS: I posted a few days ago in another thread that City of God is my favourite movie of the last decade. Good to see that I'm not the only one who loved it.

I remember that I was so excited about Gladiator when it was announced as I expected something like Kubrick's brilliant Spartacus (where it borrowed some story elements from), mainly because Gladiator was directed by Ridley Scott who had made two movies I absolutely love and one I like (Alien & Blade Runner, Legend). I was so disappointed. Gladiator = nice sandal action movie, Spartacus = one of the best and most intelligent Epic movies ever made. But that's typical for me, always the greatest expectations. No wonder I'm disappointed so often with modern cinema.

Well, at least Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon didn't disappoint me at all. It was even better than I had expected (though I know people who hated it with a passion and we had some funny dicussions: "You really liked this strange movie? Come on, these guys are flying around half the time and walk over roofs and trees. What's this supposed to mean. You find this movie WHAT? Poetic? Poetry, my ass!").