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This site has always been like that. Saying "the PS3 is not selling well" or "its only selling well because of the holidays" is just that fanboy talk. Its like other console fans are afraid to admit that the PS3's has resolved its major issues, and now its down to flat out which console is better.

At this point in its life-cycle, the PS3 is about on par with the Xbox360 right? Why is there still the need to try and bash the PS3. Then you hear people say "where are the games." But no one really points out that the PS3's lineup slated for next year has more proven AAA titles than the Xbox has had in its entire lifespan.

I just never understand the downright Sony hate. Sure they were a little cocky towards the beginning of this console war, but they have single handedly carried gaming for the past few years, and gave third party devs a chance to shine that Nintendo never would have given them if they were still #1.

Really I dont know if its Blu-Ray or the pricing that has drawn so much Sony hate, but I prefer them much more than Microsoft. Microsoft will do with their consoles what they have been doing with windows. Looks a little better, but the bottom line is its the same thing just slightly beefed up. The Wii, though extremely fun, would halt the amazing progress that video games have had over the recent years and casual gaming would ruin gaming altogether. Sony is clearly the most ambitious this time around, and gamers have punished them for it. With the price down now, and regardless about what you people want to say about games the first party games have been very good from known developers. Its the ported games that have given the PS3 a bad rep, from developers who were not prepared to take on the task.

So Sony, IMO, has no reason left to be hated. $399 with good games in every genre really, which does well to satisfy any gamer buying the console unless your planning to spend over $300 on video games. And any honest gamer has to admit that Sony absolutely has the best game lineup next year. I have seen people say things like "oh but FF,MGS,and KZ2 are going to be pushed back to 2008." But isnt that just your hope? As of now they are all being released next year, and as of now the PS3 has the best exclusive list set up since...well...the PS2. I just wish fanboys would support their console not wish for the worst for Sony just to make them feel better about buying the alternative.