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Jjust as a note, when I said, "I don't give a rip," I was not talking about the deaths of those people, I was talking about what would happen to blackwater. I am not an uncaring bastard.

Just a thought, if it isn't OK for American troops to do the search and seizure missions, which apparently results in "going into Iraqi homes in the dead of night, terrorizing... [blah blah]", Then is it OK for Iraqi troops to do the same thing? Especially when they have less professionalism than US Troops do?

I do not believe that most Iraqis are being mistreated by the US Forces. There may be some instances but for the most part it isn't happening. When it does allegedly happen, we should do a full investigation, but we should give the troops the presumption of innocence and not say they murdered people until after the trial is complete.

I happen to agree with you that Iraqi's should start to take over the job of military policing their own country. But if the American Commanders do not believe that they are ready for the job, I would trust them. In any case lets kill this thread. We obviously won't convince each other here.

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