Still, I agree with Stof that if he passes THIS healthcare bill he's screwed.
I mean, it's so unpopular the Dems lost an election in the State that is for Universal Healthcare more than any other. (They in fact have their own.)
Not only that... but it was the seat of a beloved Democrat who's one great regret in life was he never accomplished Universal Healthcare. Ironically all he had to do to pass it was agree with the Nixon plan instead of his own. Richard Nixon's plan would actually be considered way left wing then Obama's current plan. Yet still I bet way more palatable to Republicans now a days.
The Republicans know this is his weakspot too... they keep hammering at him for not keeping his word. I just saw a senator say for like 20 minutes the other day "We should go back to what Obama said he wanted, renegotiate the whole thing and put C-SPAN cameras in there... open it up to the public."
The republicans are playing the transparency card on Obama. Not a good situation for him... really his problem is... he's let congress highjack his important legistlations and he doesn't want to look weak/lose congress support by getting the reigns on it. The Democratic Congress doesn't respect him...
I gotta hope he gets his balls back... I actually think he wanted to change washington... but he's let his own party bully him rather then act like the head of the Democratic party.
Ironically if the Democrats lose a crapload of seats in the midterm election... or in 2012... it may be the BEST thing for Obama... since the Congress won't be able to have so much sway over him anymore... and theoretically a lot of those replaced should be Republicans that lean Libretarian and would be willing to go along with some of the "change washington" stuff.