What a nonsense post & statement. They are bold words coming from a Developer who seems to barely had a real go with it and the final version at that, its supposed to be a preview, not a review. Its funny how he praises the Arc, its almost like a subliminal comparison of the two. Natal has yet to be finalised and will not until this fall. So what's with the "lag" talk? If it's so laggy do you think all those BIG "REAL" Developers would even bother, and put their integrity and neck on the line to praise NATAL as the next big thing PUBLICLY?! It doesn't seem to make any sense to me. I would bet my life on it that Natal will work in conjunction with a controller and any future peripheral that it may release without lag. Even alone it has unlimited potential to not only create new genres but take current genres to new heights! It has the perks of both worlds and has unlimited implementations. All the major developers seem to agree and all the press along with it. So it seems kinda dodgy that "Traveller’s Tales’ director Jon Burton" seems to think so quick that lag will be an ongoing issue from a preview of it, a bit unfair don't you think? In addition, seems to have nothing sceptical to say about the Arc. I wonder why.....?