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Strategyking92 said:
aleusianacht88 said:
d21lewis said:
aleusianacht88 said:
I think project natal is a joke...

See this?....this is natal..

You're right!  And the Wii Remote is the Power Glove, The Balance Board is the Power Pad, and The PS3 controller is the Super Nes Controller!  Except for NO.

Sir, why would you even defend Natal? Do you think anybody has the space for such a system? This isn't something for the average 360 owner (12 year old kids) my good man, this is for homeowners who actually game in their living rooms, this is for old people and parents, people with children and what not. Wii does the same thing and takes up less space, it can appeal to both parents and people who don't game in their living rooms...all you need is the controller and the world is yours.


Do they think that Natal will really draw people away from the Wii?


I love Sony and I love Nintendo, Microsoft will never have me!



A bit melodramatic, no?


Are you saying Wii owners are old people and children? What are you trying to say?

And I definetly disagree with the italicised.. Lets see: fishing attatchment, wheel attatchment, classic controller.. Balance board.. Do you get the point? What you say makes ab-so-freakin'-lutely no sense..


Oh, and let's see you back up your obviously broad view of xbox gamers. Please go ahead. I keep hearing people say many things: Frat boys! 12-year-olds! Lonely men! Which is it?

Hmmm, all of the above?

The Wii has owners of all varieties, I never said anything bad about the Wii but it does carry alot of appeal to the elderly and children moreso than anybody else, This is apparently the group Natal is seeking to capture...they already have a Wii, what does Natal offer these people?


Why do I need to back up my view of Xbox gamers, most 360 fanboys prove it every day that the fanbase is full of people I consider undesirables, just my opinion. So...all of the above, those are all bad.


You disagree with the Wii doing the same thing as Natal and taking up less space? does take up less space and it really does do the same thing the Wii does, the same thing all motion detecting gaming has done since the Eye on the Playstation's nothing groundbreaking and honestly I probably won't get the Arc when it comes out either, I'm not into motion detecting gaming, I never was.


I'm not going to bother with any form of unbiased facade, I am biased and I admit it, I dislike the Xbox, I dislike many of the fans, and many of the "Exclusives" (see PC gaming) do not appeal to me. I don't like First Person Shooters, I don't like alpha male minded people who bring every debate and argument down to sexual preference and masculinity...The Xbox 360 fanbase has MANY of these types of people...also undesirables.