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Impulsivity said:
Natal is going to be this generations Sega CD. An expensive add on that was supposed to make everything butter but won't.

Whats keeping the 360 where it is can be summed up in one word. Price. Once the PS3 gets cheap enough component wise that it can drop again to 199 it will be even more over then it is right now.

Every time the 360 drops in price it goes ahead again, but as soon as there is a 100 dollar gap in price the PS3 beats it. Since 200 dollars is more or less the lower bound for price (99 dollars never helped the gamecube) its pretty clear that price alone won't keep the 360 afloat much longer. Later this year there will be a 249 and then a 199 PS3 and the sales gap will only accelerate. Look for the 360 to end this gen at about 50-60 mil sold tops, while the PS3 and Wii both hit 100 mil before the consoles life ends.

The Natal won't change that, I mean how many kids interested in casual motion controlled games don't have a Wii by now? 10?

You heard it here first the Wii will sell 10 consoles next week! Apparently everyone's privvy to some secret prophetic memo going around that details the exact number of the casual market, how the Wii 'owns' it and that Natal is expensive and sucks.