- Zelda Wii: 95-99
- Galaxy 2: 85-95 (it will be criticized because it's a sequel, thus not as original and fresh as Galaxy 1. 1st Party Nintendo games especially seem to really get criticized for that, *a lot*, while other -mainly 'hardcore' HD games- don't, at least not as much. I don't get this. If a game's considered brilliant, people shout out for a sequel, then when they get that, they whine and say it's too much like the original. However when they DO get a sequel that's innovative, they whine it's too different from the original. This happens a lot, and that's one of the reasons I hardly pay attention to 'professional' reviewers' opinions anymore).
- NMH2: 80-90
- Red Steel 2: 80-90
- Monster Hunter 3: 85-90
- Endless Ocean 2: 75-85
Also, most of these will undoubtedly get scored down for the simple reason that they're Wii games, and will thus be unjustly compared to PS360 games. 'Professional' reviewers seem to LOVE doing that, which I find illogical. You don't compare PS3 and PS2 games either, nor 360 and XBox games. Comparing PS3 and 360 games, okay, but why anyone would compare Wii games to either of the 2 is beyond me. However, it's done all the time.
Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee 3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046