What John Carmack really means about the bad SPU design is it's higher level of difficulty to work with, not that it's so bad that you can't make games awesome on it. >.>;;;; You guys need to understand that he's a dev, he's talking on dev terms, not consumer terms, we consumers see final results, while devs see completely different pictures. I'm sure Rage will harness the power of the SPUs on the Cell just fine and dandy, but it'll be a bitch for devs either way no matter how much power it has and you'd need to hire specific programmers or make existing ones learn something completely new which take time and resources with either option. Also, the memory part, both are about the same in efficiency if you count in the eDRAM in the 360, the way to combat that problem is as usual, to have a streamline code running in the background constantly feeding new info, which would open an entire can of new worms.....