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How is increasingly being the last place console (it seems pretty clear now that the only reason the PS3 wasn't ahead is price) a mark of distinction? Last week the DS, Wii, PS3 and PSP outold the 360 in all regions (well the PSP was behind in NA but 60k ahead in Japan).

I look at playing the 360, basically, like playing on a really low end PC. Basically playing on what was considered mid range in 2006 (you know, a low ghz core duo chip with a 3700 series ATI board) is more or less the same as playing on a 360. This was fine in 2005, but things are starting to look pretty dated.

I didn't mind the 360 back in 2006 when a PC that was significantly better would run me a thousand dollars or more. But today you can put together a PC that can smoke the 360 graphically for around 500 bucks (less then the cost of a 360+250gb HD+99 wireless + paying for online play). As a bonus, that 500 dollar box is a PC too for everything else you want to do. You can even use the 360 controller with most multi plat games if that's your thing and get achievements from Windows Live that count towards the same gamerscore (without paying 50 bucks a year).

Yes by getting rid of my 360 I do miss out on a few games Microsoft artificially keeps from the PC (about 1 good game a year lately) but really, Fable 2 isn't worth keeping a console over.

I'll be getting a superior version of Mass Effect 2 tomorrow, Ill get Alan Wake on the PC and pretty much every other big game this year that is "360 console exclusive" on the vastly superior PC platform.

High quality console only games that still push the limits like Uncharted 2, God of War 2, GT 5 and the rest? I need the PS3 for that.

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me