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Well it's a tough one. This week or next week's sales data will probably drop down a little bit. Bout 250k. So in 4 weeks it'll need 1.4 million, or about 350k a week. Sounds reasonable now. I personally would have never though PS3 would be able to hit 8 million by the end of the year, but I think I may have underestimated the power of the holiday season. Underestimated its increase. Or I didn't know Sony would float $3 billion of it's own stock to do pricedrops and new SKU's. I think it's a little bit of both.

But 8 million seems reasonable in theory. Really is going to depend on this week coming up. If it hits the 250k like I think it will then it shouldn't have too many problems hitting 8 million. But if it drops to more around 200k, then increases for the following weeks may not be as large as well. So its a tough call right now, although I think it's mroe in favor to hit 8 million than not to hit it. But I'll need to see next week's sales to really get a strong idea.