theARTIST0017 said:
txrattlesnake said:
I would like to see a new version of Wii announced at E3 that was as powerful as 360 and PS3. And that was going to have improved Super Wii versions of Metroid: Other M, Epic Mickey, Mario Galaxy 2, and the new console Zelda running on it in PS3 / 360 quality graphics as well as all of the best third party games like Final Fantasy XIII, Modern Warefare 2, Batman: Arkham Asylum, GTA IV, Bayonetta, Fallout 3, and Metal Gear Solid 4.
It would be able to play Blue-ray movies and be fully backwards compatible with Gamecube and all original Wii games as well.
It would cost $299, but if you trade in an old Wii, so that Nintendo can send it back out to their casual fans, you could knock a bit off the price tag.
yeah, no. why do hd fans say these things? thats so impractible its mocking. Wii is fine the way it is and Nintendo said their next console will be in HD.
Star Fox
Retro's Project
Team Sora's Project
Basically everything else everyone else said
Personally, I don't like to have to buy two consoles to have all the games I want. And some of the games I listed would look better with better graphics.