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I would like to see a new version of Wii announced at E3 that was as powerful as 360 and PS3. And that was going to have improved Super Wii versions of Metroid: Other M, Epic Mickey, Mario Galaxy 2, and the new console Zelda running on it in PS3 / 360 quality graphics as well as all of the best third party games like Final Fantasy XIII, Modern Warefare 2, Batman: Arkham Asylum, GTA IV, Bayonetta, Fallout 3, and Metal Gear Solid 4.

It would be able to play Blue-ray movies and be fully backwards compatible with Gamecube and all original Wii games as well.

It would cost $299, but if you trade in an old Wii, so that Nintendo can send it back out to their casual fans, you could knock a bit off the price tag.