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Bladeneo said:
StarcraftManiac said:
DMeisterJ said:

Just a quick question

To all the people that said otherwise:

Does Japan matter in the console market now that Wii Fit is selling out?

Why I posted this:

I remember reading a few weeks ago when SMG launched a few threads on Japan not mattering in the console market, now that Wii Fit is selling out, are people going to change their tunes?

Yes, Japan matters.


1) Us

2) Europe

3) Japan

4) UK

In order of biggest to smaller.


People saying Japan 'doesn't matter' anymore are actually meaning that the more 'Hardcore' or 'Real' games are starting to see a decline in sales in comparison to their predecessors... (example: Sunshine vs Galaxy).

Add to that that the 'non-gamer' games or 'casual' games start to see bigger sales in Japan and we have a conclusion that leads to:

'Japan doesn't matter anymore' because it's not dominated anymore by 'real' games... As some like to call it.

I however don't care if it's casual or hardcore... But i find it sad to see Mario Galaxy or Zelda TP sell worse then games like Brain Training or something else in Japan.


Funny, the UK is IN europe...


 *Slow clap*